2024-2025 Catalog

MKT-H419 Honors Marketing Policies and Strategies

This course is open to students with a GPA of 3.2 or higher. This honors course is a focused and challenging learning experience. As a result, you will be introduced to advanced concepts, ideas, and project experiences that will place you in a highly desirable position for internships, future career opportunities, and graduate school. In this capstone course, marketing majors apply lessons learned across the curricula of the Marketing Department and Sawyer School. Students test their level of marketing knowledge by working to solve challenging integrated cases for developing marketing strategy and programs. In particular, students analyze both qualitative and quantitative information, evaluate alternative courses of action, and then make strategic recommendations for resolving the issues in each case.




Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed or is in process of completing 54 Credits And Student has satisfied all of the following Student has cumulative GPA greater than or equal to 3.200 And Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed any of the following course(s) MKT 317 - Consumer Behavior, MKT H317 - Honors Consumer Behavior And Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed any of the following course(s) MKT 220 - Business Research Methods, MKT H220 - Honors Bus Research Methods