2024-2025 Catalog

SF-H1214 Honors Boston and Book History

Even in the digital age, books continue to be a central part of the college experience, and Boston, a city of universities, libraries, and museums, houses an untold number of them. But while we usually tend to think of books in terms of their contents—Are they science textbooks? Trashy novels? Picture books for toddlers?—this course will consider the history of books as material objects, and as a central means of sharing and saving information for thousands of years. We will consider the definition of "book," trace the history of books from ancient clay tablets and papyrus scrolls to medieval manuscripts and modern printed volumes, and learn about the connections between books and important social movements. To help us engage deeply with the physical qualities of books, this class will be active and hands-on, including workshops in papermaking, marbling, and printing, and numerous field trips to nearby locations where we can see and touch books from the distant (and not-so-distant) past, learning more about how they were made and how readers interacted with them. Drawing on the city of Boston’s past and present literary riches, this class will make you view every book you encounter in a different light.




Student has satisfied all of the following Student has satisfied all of the following Academic Unit (Computed) in the selection list Advertising Public Relations and Social Media, Art and Design, Biology, Biology and Radiation Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, Communication Journalism and Media, Economics, English, Environmental Science and Studies, History Language and Global Culture, INTO College of Arts and Sciences, Math and Computer Science, Medical Dosimetry, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science and Legal Studies, Psychology, Radiation Sciences, Sociology and Criminal Justice ... And Student has satisfied all of the following Latest Class Standing in the selection list Freshman And Student has satisfied all of the following Student is a member of the Honors Summary All Student Cohort