2024-2025 Catalog

LAW-2445 Online Disupute Resolution for Adr

This course is designed to train students to develop or participate in conflict resolution techniques using online dispute resolution (ODR), as form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The Covid-19 pandemic have forced lawyers, courts and ADR providers to evolve their dispute resolution systems to the online context. Students will review the growth and application of dispute resolution options in the United States (and internationally), with a focus on using ODR systems. The course will be offered online. The course is offered in collaboration with New Era ADR (https://www.neweraadr.com/), a company that offers an ODR platform for virtual mediation and virtual arbitration. New Eras digital ADR platform is intended to make dispute resolution more efficient and effective. While courts and traditional ADR forums often involve complex protocols and procedures, planned to address every possible nuance in a dispute, this can often result in lengthy, expensive litigation that makes resolution an expensive and time-consuming prospect. New ERAs ODR platform seeks to provide a fair, high-quality resolution as fast as possible. Students will learn about the ODR rules and technology, and how they can be used in practice. Students will also learn negotiation and advocacy skills as they use the NEW Era platform in a simulated mediation and arbitration. In order to successfully complete this course, students must meet the following requirements: (1) assigned readings and active participation in class discussions; (2) participate in a simulation involving a mediation step, followed by an arbitration step (serving as lawyer with appropriate submissions in one of these two dispute resolution steps); and (3) during the ADR simulations, each student must keep a diary of that students impressions of the process of dispute resolution and their own participation as negotiators and/or advocates. While introducing the ODR approach to students, this course attempts to take the mystery out of dispute settlement processes and focuses on skills development while putting a priority on reaching fair, fast and reasonable solutions for disputes.
