2024-2025 Catalog

LAW-2399 Doctor of Juridicial Science Thesis

After year two (or after year one for students enrolled before July 1, 2016), an SJD candidate may continue his or her research away from the law school. During this time, the SJD candidate must continue to communicate regularly with his or her Committee Chair (e.g., several times per semester) to discuss the students progress and future steps in the research process. The candidate should periodically submit written drafts to the Committee Chair for review, comment, and revision. The candidate should also periodically consult the other members of the committee for research advice and feedback on writing progress. An SJD candidate must submit a written progress report every semester, both while in residence and while away from the law school. Attendance at classes, programs, or conferences relating to the candidates research may be recommended or required by the Committee Chair. An SJD candidate may audit JD courses with the approval of an Associate Dean. An SJD candidate may be required to present his or her research at a faculty colloquium (either as a work in progress or a finished product).




Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci Law SJD