2024-2025 Catalog

LAW-0007 Directed Study for Master of Law

Candidates for the General LLM or Global Law and Technology LLM degree may receive one to three credits by completing a substantial project of research and writing on a topic of academic interest under the guidance of a member of the full-time faculty or other faculty (with approval of an Associate Dean). The student must identify a faculty member willing to supervise the project and complete the Directed Study Registration Form, which may be obtained from and must be filed with the Office of Academic Services. LLM students should expect to devote a minimum of 45 hours for a one credit directed study project; 90 hours for a two credit directed study project; and 135 hours for a three credit directed study project. Students will be required to submit a topic description, outline, and preliminary drafts of papers for review and comment, in accordance with deadlines established by the faculty supervisor. The final paper must be submitted to the faculty supervisor by the date set in the approved proposal, which may be no later than the end of the examination period for the semester in which the paper is completed. The faculty supervisor will grade the paper on a Credit/No Credit basis. This grade will not be included in the calculation of the student's grade point average. All written work must be completed in accordance with the provisions of the law school's Academic Integrity regulations. The directed study project may be submitted in satisfaction of the LLM legal writing requirement. Form required.




Student has completed 2000 Credits