2020-2021 Law School Catalog

LAW-2976 Forensics

This 2-credit course will provide students with an understanding of the law underlying forensic science evidentiary issues, as well as preparing expert witnesses to testify on various forensic science issues. The course is divided into both lecture and practical sessions. The theoretical and fundamental principles of trial preparation and testimony will be illustrated in the lecture segments and will then be reinforced in practical simulations. Each student will be afforded the opportunity to experience direct and cross examination in a courtroom setting. Students will also be expected to view video documentaries outside of class to prepare for in-class discussion. Participants will also receive a basic understanding of the science attributed to forensic issues such as DNA, blood spatter, and arson among other topics. Upon completion of this course, the participants will have acquired a basic understanding of the law and process of qualifying a witness as an expert; how expert witnesses work with both prosecutors and defense attorneys; ethical issues surrounding the use of forensic experts; preparing witnesses to testify on, among other topics, fingerprint, firearm, ballistic, and arson analysis.
