2020-2021 Law School Catalog

LAW-2531 Practice Ready Legal Research

Practicing attorneys must have an expansive and nuanced understanding of legal resources and information theory to represent their clients competently. This hands-on and highly participatory course is designed to expand students' understanding of primary and secondary sources so that they can become more effective and efficient researches. The primary course objective is to teach students practical solutions for real-life legal research problems. New developments in law practice technologies may be covered when applicable. Three classes will meet asynchronously, meaning that for three weeks out of the semester, students will not meet in class. Instead, they will be assigned additional coursework online. Students will be assessed using a variety of methods, including: in-class exercises, class discussions, quizzes, and a final project and presentation. Lecturing will be kept to a minimum as most class time will be dedicated to individual and group exercises. As such, students should note that regular class attendance and participation are required.
