2024-2025 Catalog

MKT-H220 Honors Business Research Methods

Business Research Methods is a general introduction to both quantitative and qualitative business research methods. Topics covered include the purpose of research, defining research and research problems, defining an hypothesis, problem solving and knowledge discovery, methods of quantitative and qualitative research, conducting literature reviews, designing appropriate methodologies, evaluating outcomes, analysis and communicating the results. Students will use Excel and SPSS to support research analysis, implementing what was learned in statistics and going beyond as they learn new data analysis techniques. Students will discuss and present research ideas and processes orally both informally and formally.




Student has satisfied all of the following Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed any of the following course(s) MKT 210 - Principles of Marketing, MKT H210 - Honors- Prin. of Marketing And Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed any of the following course(s) STATS 240 - Introduction to Statistics, STATS 250 - Applied Statistics, STATS H240 - Honors Introduction to Statistics, STATS H250 - Honors Applied Statistics Only 1 registration counts toward academic progress for these courses STATS 250 - Applied Statistics, STATS H250 - Honors Applied Statistics Only 1 registration counts toward academic progress for these courses STATS 240 - Introduction to Statistics, STATS H240 - Honors Introduction to Statistics And Student has satisfied all of the following Student has satisfied all of the following Student has cumulative GPA greater than or equal to 3.200 Or Student has satisfied all of the following Student is a member of the Honors Summary All Student Cohort And Student has satisfied all of the following Student is a member of the Teachout BSBA Core End 2022 Student Cohort