2024-2025 Catalog

LAW-2984 Character Strengths and Leadership

Law students are well aware of the need to prepare for the Bar Examination after graduation. Less well known is the requirement in Massachusetts (similarly elsewhere) that graduates demonstrate the requisite character and fitness to practice law, including honesty, integrity and discretion. But while these qualities are foundational, what other qualities are important to develop to bring our best selves to the role? What does fitness mean, such as maintaining well-being - which a recent American Bar Association Task Force said was part of the lawyers ethical duty of competence - in the face of increasing professional demands? What does fitness also mean to develop a positive professional identity as a lawyer, including qualities of character needed for serving an increasingly diverse clientele and profession? What can students do to shape a positive professional future that fits their unique strengths and values more deliberately? This course is designed to help explore some of these issues to help students better prepare for a successful professional future. The course will include readings, student contemplative and other practices, presentations, short journals, and other assignments, some to be completed after the Intersession concludes, including a brief but reflective final paper in place of an examination. While for pedagogical reasons, the course will be graded on an honors/pass/no pass basis, students should expect to treat the course as a professional assignment, with all the diligence and care that professionalism requires. An opportunity for personal coaching will be available to those who enroll.
