2020-2021 Catalog

MKT-210 Principles of Marketing

As part of the core curriculum for the BSBA, this course provides a comprehensive, innovative, managerial, and practical introduction to marketing. Students will learn and apply basic concepts and practices of modern marketing as used in a wide variety of settings. Technological advances, rapid globalization, economic shifts and cultural and environmental developments are causing profound changes in the marketplace. As the marketplace changes, so must the marketers who serve it. These new developments signify a brand new world of opportunities for forward thinking marketers. In response to these new developments, the focus of this course is on four major themes that go to the heart of modern marketing theory and practice: 1. Building and managing profitable customer relationships; 2. Building and managing strong brands; 3. Harnessing new marketing technologies in this digital age; and 4. Marketing in a socially responsible way around the globe.




SBS-200 (concurrently or previously). WRI-100, WRI-100+, WRI-101, or WRI-H103. SBS-101 or SBS-H101.