2024-2025 Law School Catalog

Voluntary Leaves of Absences and Voluntary Withdrawals

If a student is currently unable to continue the study of law, the Assistant Dean for Academic Services, Dean of Students or an Associate Dean may grant the student a Leave of Absence for up to one year. A student granted a leave of absence is entitled to return to the Law School at the end of the term of the leave without reapplying for admission, subject to the requirements and process set forth in the Voluntary Leave of Absence/Voluntary Withdrawal Policy. A Leave of Absence will be granted to a first-year student only under extraordinary circumstances.

A student who wishes to withdraw from the Law School must file a written request to do so and obtain permission from the Assistant Dean for Academic Services, Dean of Students or an Associate Dean. No student may withdraw after the examination period begins or while consideration of the student's academic standing is pending.

The specific process and form necessary for requesting a voluntary leave of absence or voluntary withdrawal are more fully described in the Voluntary Leave of Absence/Voluntary Withdrawal Process, contained within this publication and on the Law School’s website and Portal.