2024-2025 Catalog

Graduate Certificate in Tax Compliance and Planning


3 Courses
9 Credits

Available: On Campus

Program Length: 2 semesters, 30 weeks

Required Courses

TAX-861Tax Research


TAX-862Taxation of Corporations


TAX-863Taxation of Pass-Through Entities


Course Substitution Policy

To substitute an accounting certificate course with an approved elective, a student must have successfully completed equivalent academic coursework at the undergraduate/graduate level in the five (5) years prior to matriculation, "B" or better. A maximum of 3 credits of coursework can be substituted. All graduate certificate students must complete a minimum of 9 credits in the Sawyer Business School.

Degree Progression Requirements

Candidates who apply within one year of completing their graduate certificate will have applicable courses applied to Sawyer Business School (SBS) graduate degree programs in the same discipline as the certificate as long as a grade of "B" or better was earned in that course.

Candidates who apply to a degree program different from their certificate program's discipline area or beyond one year, will have coursework evaluated on a case by case basis for relevancy, current degree requirements and current Sawyer Business School waiver and transfer policies.