2024-2025 Catalog

PSYCH-713 Assessment III: Neuropsychological Assessment

This course serves as a foundation for clinical practice and research activity in the important area of clinical neuropsychological assessment. It introduces the student to the techniques, methods and theories relevant to the evidence-based practice of clinical neuropsychological assessment. Core topics (not an exhaustive list) include- an overview of the neuropsychological evaluation- purpose, goals, models, consultant role, and interpretive logic; behavioral geography of the brain and the relevant clinical disorders; the rationale of deficit measurement and the interpretive process, and- specific neurocognitive functions (memory, language, visuo-perceptual and visuo-spatial, executive and motor function). Applied/embedded learning experiences will include- in-class observation/demonstration of specific assessment techniques, a laboratory component with practice administering key assessment instruments from each domain, and class exercises interpreting data and conceptualizing cases.




Student has satisfied all of the following Students who specified one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci Clinical Psychology PHD And Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed all of the following course(s) PSYCH 705 - Assessment I, PSYCH 706 - Assessment II