2024-2025 Catalog

PAD-323 Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative analysis introduces basic statistical techniques used to analyze and draw conclusions from citizen and client surveys; program and policy evaluations; and performance and operations data. These techniques include chi square, lambda, gamma, correlations, analysis of variance, t test correlation, and multivariate regression. Knowledge of these statistical techniques empowers managers by giving them the ability to evaluate the work of consultants, access the policy and management of literature, and analyze data using the analytical tools available in commonly used statistical software, such as Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).




Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed or is in process of completing 54 Credits And Student has satisfied all of the following Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed any of the following course(s) MATH 128 - Math for the Modern World, MATH 130 - Topics in Finite Mathematics, MATH 134 - Calculus for Management and Social Sciences, MATH 164 - Calculus 1 Bridge With Trigonometry, MATH 165 - Calculus I And Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed any of the following course(s) STATS 240 - Introduction to Statistics, STATS 250 - Applied Statistics, STATS H240 - Honors Introduction to Statistics, STATS H250 - Honors Applied Statistics Only 1 registration counts toward academic progress for these courses STATS 250 - Applied Statistics, STATS H250 - Honors Applied Statistics Only 1 registration counts toward academic progress for these courses STATS 240 - Introduction to Statistics, STATS H240 - Honors Introduction to Statistics