2024-2025 Catalog

MATH-130 Topics in Finite Mathematics

Linear Modeling (for example, using linear functions to model supply/demand situations), graphing, linear programming, financial functions (compound interest, annuities, and amortization of loans), sets, Venn diagrams, counting and combinatorics, discrete probability, conditional probability, Bernoulli experiments, Bayes theorem. Several sections offered each semester. *This course cannot be applied toward a departmental concentration in Mathematics by Sawyer Business School students.




Student has satisfied all of the following Institution has received a(n) Math Placement Exam test result with a(n) Math score greater than or equal to 25. Or Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed any of the following course(s) MATH 104 - Precalculus for Management and Social Sciences, MATH 108 - Intro to College Math, MATH 121 - Precalculus With Elements of Calculus