2024-2025 Catalog

LAWU-530 Working With Domestic Violence Survivors

This course is intended not only to instruct students about the law of domestic violence but also as a practical, hands-on experience in assisting clients in obtaining and enforcing 209A restraining orders and/or addressing these issues within Family Law proceedings in cooperation with the FAC, specifically Christine Butler and Maritza Karmely. Guest speakers will provide further insight from the perspectives of criminal proceedings involving domestic violence, batterers intervention programs and shelters for survivors and their children. In addition, students will be required to analyze the causes and patterns of domestic violence and multi-disciplinary responses to these as set forth in the opinions of various writers.




Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed or is in process of completing 54 Credits And Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed any of the following course(s) LAWU 280 - Dom. Violence, Abuse & Neglect, LAWU 340 - Family Law