2024-2025 Catalog

HST-H465 Honors Monumental Women: Female Public Space

Of the estimated 5,575 statues depicting historic figures in the United States, only 559 of them commemorate women, and this disparity is echoed around the world. What are we to make of the gap between the historical monumental woman and the physical structures that celebrate them? This class examines global efforts to memorialize important women through monuments, museums, and other public spaces. It will focus on how acts of memorialization produce public and collective memories about the past, and how these bring up issues of patriarchy, subjugation, inclusivity, and representation. We will explore the contradictions between womens empowerment and historical exploitation, expressed in things like pussy hats and other feminist gear, in artistic representations of the female form, in exploration of cultural difference, and in grass-roots and official forms of activism.




Student has satisfied all of the following Academic Unit (Computed) in the selection list Advertising Public Relations and Social Media, Art and Design, Biology, Biology and Radiation Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, Communication Journalism and Media, Economics, English, Environmental Science and Studies, History Language and Global Culture, INTO College of Arts and Sciences, Math and Computer Science, Medical Dosimetry, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science and Legal Studies, Psychology, Radiation Sciences, Sociology and Criminal Justice ... And Student has satisfied all of the following Student is a member of the Honors Summary All Student Cohort