2024-2025 Catalog

HLTH-307 Innovative Healthcare Models

This case-based course will engage students in the analysis of varied models of care delivery in the U.S. and internationally. Cases will illuminate principles and frameworks for the design of efficient and effective models for caring for different populations within the contextual and financial constraints of different health systems and countries. Students will explore accountable care organizations, patient-centered medical homes, fully integrated health systems (such as Kaiser Permanente), equitable health systems with excellent patient outcomes (such as Spain’s health system), and models which address the social determinants of health (such as the Camden Coalition or Commonwealth Care Alliance). This course is useful for any student interested in understanding the range and diversity of care delivery models operating worldwide. This course will build on material from BSBA core courses: SBS-104, MGMT 217, SIB-429, ISOM-319.




Student has completed all of the following course(s) HLTH 301 - Healthcare in the United States