2024-2025 Catalog

GVT-330 The Multipolar Future of the World Order

This course explores the origins of the current World Order in the Treaty of Westphalia, and its evolution through the emergence of the nation state and two World Wars to the current American-led Liberal International Order. The course will focus on the War in Ukraine as a prime example of a clash between American-led Liberalism and Russian-led Realism. We will explore China's efforts for involvement. The course will also examine perspectives of large, important, developing nations, such as Türkiye, South Africa, Indonesia, India, and Brasil. The course asks about the degree to which Europe, pulled in
different directions by divergent interests, can function as a geopolitical EU, and how this outcome would be impacted by the results of the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

*Junior status required




Student has completed or is in process of completing 54 Credits