2024-2025 Catalog

CAS-410 Signature Suffolk Civic Engagement Project

Suffolk Universitys strategic plan, Suffolk 2025, prioritizes experiential learning, civic and community engagement, diversity, equity and inclusion, and career competencies. This class challenges students to develop solutions to a real-world problem: how do we promote civic engagement on campus across all majors and disciplines? In this class, students will work on teams, collaboratively with each other and also with faculty, staff, and students across the university to develop action plans for enhancing student civic and community engagement across majors. What knowledge, skills, values will best prepare students to be good citizens? What signature experiences at Suffolk would make this possible? With the goal of improving civic engagement and community engagement at Suffolk, the primary objective of this class is to design/develop engaging and inclusive civic education opportunities available to diverse majors that will unite students in a shared, signature experience that enhances school pride and deepens student commitment to participating in civic life. This class seeks representation from as many majors as possible from across the College of Arts and the Sawyer School of Business.




Student has received department permission for CAS 410 - Signature Suffolk Civic Engagement Project