2024-2025 Catalog

BIO-107 The Curiosity of Cats, the Devotion of Dogs

This course explores the evolution, ecology, behavior, genetics, and adaptations of cats (Felis silvestris catus) and dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). We will discuss what is known about these species, current research, and what is still unknown. The course will focus on comparing and contrasting the biology of cats and dogs and how biological differences have led to the way they are perceived as companion animals. We will also discuss how these species can be used as model organisms for exploring patterns of human heredity and disease transmission.




Students who didn't specify one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci Biochemistry Major BA, Biochemistry Major BS, Biology Major BA, Biology Major BS, Chemistry Major BA, Chemistry Major BS, Environmental Science Major BS, Environmental Studies Major BA, Environmental Studies Major BS, Radiation Science Major BS, Radiation Therapy Major BS