2024-2025 Catalog

ADI-HS401 Honors Senior Studio

This studio course completes the undergraduate studio sequence in Interior Design. This final design studio emphasizes individual competence with respect to the total design process. Students will utilize the research and programming document produced in ADI 398, Senior Programming & Pre-Design, to develop a comprehensive design solution for their individual studio problem through schematics, design development, presentation drawings and specifications.




Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed all of the following course(s) ADI 398 - Senior Programming & Pre-Desig, ADI S303 - Contract Design Studio I Wrkpl And Student has satisfied all of the following Student has satisfied all of the following Academic Unit (Computed) in the selection list Advertising Public Relations and Social Media, Art and Design, Biology, Biology and Radiation Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, Communication Journalism and Media, Economics, English, Environmental Science and Studies, History Language and Global Culture, INTO College of Arts and Sciences, Math and Computer Science, Medical Dosimetry, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science and Legal Studies, Psychology, Radiation Sciences, Sociology and Criminal Justice ... And Student has satisfied all of the following Student is a member of the Honors Summary All Student Cohort