2023-2024 Catalog

PHIL-515 Senior Symposium

In keeping with the ancient tradition of our discipline as presented in Plato's dialogue the Symposium, all graduating majors will be required to participate in a departmental Symposium. The purpose of this course is to allow students the opportunity to engage in a full out dialogue and comprehensive discussion of their ideas and central thesis of their research work. The format for our Symposium itself will follow the same procedures as those in Plato's dialogue. Moving in a clock-wise manner each student will deliver a 15 minute speech. Student presentations will be evaluated on the basis of content, insight, and critical apparatus. In preparation for the Symposium, students will be required to produce a 25 pp. research paper complete with abstract, thesis, outline, bibliography, and primary and secondary sources. Students will be expected to follow MLA guidelines. The Symposium will be sponsored by the Philosophy department and will take place near the end of the spring semester. This year's topic will be on will be decided upon by the class as a group.




PHIL-210 and PHIL-211 and consent of instructor.

