2023-2024 Catalog

ENVS-H401 Honors Senior Research Project

Development of an honors senior research project under the supervision of a member of the Environmental Science/Studies Honors Advisory Committee, for Environmental Science/Studies majors who are candidates for honors in a Environmental Science/Studies major and who wish to prepare a thesis for submission to the honors committee. Students develop a proposal or thesis to address an identified environmental issue from multiple perspectives (e.g., policy, ethics, environmental justice, science and culture). As appropriate, the proposal will be field tested, demonstrated, or presented to the local community. Development of a final written research paper and oral presentation to the department are required elements.




ENV-511 taken previously, Environmental Science and Studies majors only, Senior standing, and instructor consent required. Students must have overall GPA of 3.5 or above, or 3.5 GPA in major.

Core Curriculum

  • Honors