2023-2024 Catalog

ACCT-824 Big Data and Financial Statement Analytics

This course consists of two parts. The first part teaches students how to use Tableau to analyze large data sets and visualize data patterns to derive meaningful, actionable insights. We will utilize different data sets containing detailed information on sales, inventory, and other operational and financial metrics. This part will also introduce some basic tools used in accessing and compiling relevant big data from online resources such as the SEC's EDGAR website and Twitter. Students will be provided with necessary computer code and software to perform textual analysis for company documents and social media posts. The second part focuses on the analysis of financial statement data in an automated fashion. We will employ advanced tools in Excel along with the state-of-the-art data sources including Calcbench to perform financial data analytics and peer benchmarking. Our discussion on financial ratios and credit risk will have an analytical emphasis. This part will conclude with exercises on forecasting income statement data and valuing public companies.




ACCT 801 previously or concurrently or Program Director Approval

