Part-time and Full-time Status
Most graduate programs are offered on a part-time and full-time basis. Part-time and full-time are dependent on the number of registered credits within a given semester. Once admitted to a graduate program, a student may move from full-time to part-time or part-time to full-time by simply changing the number of credits for which they are registered. However, a student is initially admitted with a full-time or part-time status. There are financial aid ramifications associated with full-time and part-time status.
Sawyer Business School (SBS) Graduate Students
Full-time status for SBS graduate programs is defined as 12 to 15 credits. A student must be registered for at least 12 credits to be considered full-time. A maximum of 15 credits is allowed.
Part-time status for SBS graduate programs is defined as 1 to 11 credits. A student must be registered for at least 1 credit to be considered part-time. A maximum of 11 credits is allowed.
SBS graduate students must complete and have approved an Excess Course Petition Form [PDF] to exceed full-time course load credits. Exception: MBA, MSBA, MSF and corresponding dual degree programs may require an additional 1-2 credits as a full-time student in their first semester. An excess course petition is not required for these programs.
Fall and Spring Sessions: SBS graduate students who meet the following criteria will be considered for enrolling in more than 15 credits:
- The student has a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and is in good academic standing.
- Evaluation of a student's excess course request(s) will be done on a case-by-case and course-by-course basis to ensure a student's success within their program. The excess course petition must be approved by program director/advisor.
- All prerequisites must be taken before the excess course. Prerequisites cannot be taken concurrently with the excess course.
- The student has consulted with the program director/advisor who will review the excess course petition, in addition to, the degree completion options for the student.
- Excess Course Petition must be signed by the program director/advisor.
Summer Sessions: Six credits per summer session constitute a full-time schedule (maximum of 12 credits across all summer sessions). SBS graduate students must seek permission to register for any excess credits in a session and demonstrate extenuating circumstances for the request. The above criteria for fall and spring sessions will be used when evaluating the petition.
CAS Students
Full-time status is defined as 12 credits for CAS graduate programs except for the PhD in Economics, which is defined as 9 credits. Students must submit an Excess Course Petition form to the CAS Dean's Office if they plan to register for more than 12 credits (9 in Ph.D Economics program).
Tuition Implications
Full-time and Part-time: The University sets a per-credit tuition rate.
Summer: All students registered for credits in a summer term are charged at the per-credit tuition rate.
For current tuition rates visit Student Account Services.
Visit Student Financial Services for information regarding full-time or part-time status and eligibility for financial aid.