2021-2022 Law School Catalog

Global Law and Technology Master of Laws, LLM

The LLM curriculum is primarily elective in nature. Students should, however, complete at least 3 courses from the list of Core Courses below, along with the required introductory seminars, Emerging Issues in Law, Information Technology and Transnational Business and Introduction to US Law, Legal Reasoning and Writing (for international students only). The Legal English Institute is recommended for LLM students whose primary language is not English.

Students may also choose to specialize in one or more of the four designated areas, Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law, Biotechnology and Health Law, International Law and Business, and US Law and Legal Methods. To earn the US Law and Legal Methods specialization, students must complete 12 credits from the JD curriculum. Students earn the other three specializations by completing 5 courses listed for the specialization and filing the appropriate specialization form with the Law Registrar prior to graduation. LLM students who complete a specialization will receive a Certificate in addition to their Diploma at graduation.

Twenty four (24) credits are required to complete the LLM degree in Global Law and Technology. LLM students may elect to take up to 6 of the required 24 credits from the JD curriculum. Approval from the Director of the LLM Program to enroll in a JD curriculum course must be obtained in advance.

The 24 credit requirement may be reduced for LLM students who receive Advanced Standing for prior course work. Courses eligible for Advanced Standing are listed below. A maximum of 6 Advanced Standing credits may be granted.

You may also choose to take part in the LLM internship program, a unique opportunity to acquire practical experience for credit in the United States or abroad.

All LLM students must satisfy the LLM Legal Writing Requirement prior to graduation by completing a substantial legal research and writing paper in connection with a course, a Directed Study or membership on the Journal of High Technology. Students must file the LLM Legal Writing Requirement form, signed by the supervising faculty member, with the Law Registrar before graduation.

Learning Outcomes

Students who graduate with an LLM in Global Law and Technology degree will:
Demonstrate an understanding of the core doctrines in their specialty, as applicable.
Apply strategies for identifying, analyzing, researching and solving legal problems.
Demonstrate proficiency in both written and oral communications.


Required Introductory Seminars

LAW-2170Emerging Issues in Law: Information Technology and Transnational Business


LAW-2374U.S. Law and Legal Reasoning


Core Courses (*Advanced Standing may be awarded for these courses if already satisfactorily passed)

LAW-2057Biomedical Law & Public Policy


LAW-2618Copyright Law


LAW-2172Food Law: Regulatory Compliance in the Food Industry


LAW-2907International IP: Copyright


LAW-2224International Business Transactions


LAW-2220International Law


LAW-2977International Legal Practice: Private


LAW-8002Int'l Intellectual Property


LAW-2887International TaxLaw


LAW-2468Human Rights & Indigenous People Seminar


LAW-2298Patent Law


LAW-2831Patent Litigation Practice


LAW-2299Private Placements & Venture Capital Practicum


LAW-2373Trade Secrets


Courses Eligible for Advanced Standing

Up to 6 credits may be awarded for Advanced Standing at the discretion of the Director. Applicants must complete a Form available from the Registrar or the Director of the LL.M. The applicant has the burden of demonstrating that the course for which Advanced Standing is sought is substantially similar to the course offered as part of the Core Curriculum above, was taken within a reasonable time before admission to the LL.M., and was satisfactorily completed.


LAW-2057Biomedical Law & Public Policy


LAW-2977International Legal Practice: Private


LAW-2301Patent Prosecution I - Drafting Formerly: Patent Application Practice I


LAW-2172Food Law: Regulatory Compliance in the Food Industry


LAW-2907International IP: Copyright


International Internship


LAW-2977International Legal Practice: Private


LAW-2887International TaxLaw


LAW-2831Patent Litigation Practice


LAW-2299Private Placements & Venture Capital Practicum


LAW-2373Trade Secrets



Five courses from a category are required for Certification in the Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law, Biotechnology and Health Law, and International Law and Business Specializations. Twelve approved credits from the JD curriculum are required to earn the U.S. Law and Legal Methods Specialization.