2021-2022 Law School Catalog

LAW-2648 International Criminal Law

This course will explore aspects of international white collar and corporate crime. The course will begin by studying the regulation of money laundering and international securities fraud. In our discussion, we will explore the exercise of criminal court jurisdiction in the United States over defendants and witnesses. We will also examine the role of mutual assistance treaties in the investigation of economic crimes. Additionally, we will consider the role and limitations on extradition and rendition. The class will also study international legal structures such as that created by the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, international criminal tribunals and the International Court of Criminal Justice. In these contexts, we will touch on war crimes and crimes against humanity as an international basis for prosecutions. Throughout the course we will utilize a number of sources including international conventions, treaties, model codes and statutes, and information from the media. The goals of the course are to instruct future attorneys in the area of criminal law regulation of international crime; articulate how such crimes are currently detected, investigated, and punished; and generate ideas regarding ways in which the criminal justice system might better operate in the growing global community of interdependent finance and trade. This course will be technologically enhanced and will include a number of on-line source materials for each class.
