L. Distance Education
(This provision is superseded by emergency approval of remote courses by the ABA due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
1. A Distance Education course is defined as one in which students are separated from the faculty member or each other for more than one-third of the instruction, and the instruction involves the use of technology to support regular and substantive interaction among students and between the students and faculty, either synchronously or asynchronously. These courses can be hybrid or exclusively online.
2. There is no minimum GPA requirement for enrollment in a Distance Education course in the first semester that a student chooses to take such course(s).
3. Any student can enroll in a maximum of two Distance Education courses in the first semester in which a student chooses to take Distance Education courses as a “phase-in.” A student’s “first” semester of a Distance Education course will still be counted as such even if the student chooses to only take one course.
4. After the first semester in which a student takes a Distance Education course, there will be no limit to the number of Distance Education courses the student may take in subsequent semesters (subject to the number of allowable credits under ABA Standard 306 and the provisions below regarding an unsatisfactory grade or attendance issue).
5. If a student earns a final course grade of C or below in any Distance Education course in any semester, the student cannot enroll in a future Distance Education course, unless:
the student has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; or
the student is granted permission to do so, at the discretion of the Dean’s Office.
6. If a student fails to comply with an applicable Distance Education attendance policy in any Distance Education course in any semester, the student cannot enroll in a future Distance Education course, unless the student is granted permission to do so, at the discretion of the Dean’s Office.