SCI-360 Planetary Science and Astrobiology
This course introduces concepts that are central, to understanding of life on Earth, feasibility, and the search for life in the universe. The, approach of this course is multidisciplinary, focus on the life's origins, habitability, and, the possibility of life elsewhere through space, exploration of possible habitable (Earth-like), environments in our solar system and beyond. The, main theme of the course is to understand the, habitability of Earth in context with alien, environments. We will explore the scientific, understanding of life in extreme environments and, detection of life itself. With Mt. Teide volcano, (Tenerife) as our laboratory, we will explore the, evolution and emergence of life in new, environments in context with astrophysical, observations and biochemical principles that, sustain life processes. The core theme of this, Interdisciplinary Science focused course is, suitable for students who may have taken their, last science and math course several years ago, or are just curious about knowing facts on Life, on Earth and the science behind the search for, life in other planetary bodies. Together with a, reading component, this course aims to give, students a flavor of how researchers think, work, in the field, make observations and build, hypothesis. Topics covered in this course range, from origins to life, life in extreme, environments, search for habitable exoplanets and, defining the habitable zone in the universe.
SCI-L360 concurrently.