P.AD-510 Public Admin. Ind. Study
Independent study allows students to expand their, classroom experience by completing research in an, area of interest not already covered by Suffolk, courses. The student designs a unique project and, finds a full-time faculty member with expertise, in, that topic who agrees to sponsor it and provide, feedback as the proposal is refined. A well, designed and executed research project broadens, and/or deepens learning in a major or minor area, of study and may also enhance a student's, marketability to potential future employers., Students cannot register for an Independent Study, until a full proposal is approved by the faculty, sponsor, department chair, and academic dean., Many, Independent study proposals require revisions, before approval is granted; even with revisions, independent study approval is NOT guaranteed., Students are strongly encouraged to submit a, proposal in enough time to register for a, different course if the proposal is not accepted., For complete instructions, see the SBS, Independent/Directed Study Agreement and Proposal, form available online.
Junior standing, instructor's consent