2021-2022 Catalog

CAS-119 Surviving the Zombie (or Other) Apocalypse: Essential Skills

This course is designed to look at what skills people need in order to cope with an apocalyptic event (like the COVID-19 crisis) which might leave civilization in a case of disarray. Every student needs to develop one new skill while taking the course: everything from urban archeology and geocaching to creating a sourdough starter to making paper or soap to growing herbs in a hydroponics set-up. Students will reserch the skill and related information (history, development, science behind the skill, improvements, etc.) in order to create an informative presentation and related materials that will teach people about this skill and its importance. Students will then record videos demonstrating their skills, showing a sample project, and discussing how to get more information. Then we build the "Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse" web site where we post the videos, links to information about the various skills, blogs, and link to a Twitter or Instagram feed. Class domain: LegionsofDarkness.com
