2020-2021 Law School Catalog

Student Support Services

Counseling, Health, and Wellness

A range of issues can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, health issues, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating, lack of motivation or feeling ill. These concerns or other stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or may reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. University Counseling, Health & Wellness resources are available to help students address these and other concerns. Students can learn more about Suffolk’s broad range of confidential counseling and medical services on our webpage.

Dean of Students

The Dean of Students is responsible for advising, counseling, and generally meeting with students on issues relating to their enrollment at the Law School. Call 617-573-8157, email the Law Dean of Students office, or submit an appointment request.

Interfaith/Religious Life

The Interfaith Center unites the Suffolk community via: the University Chaplain; seasonal celebrations and ongoing programs and events; interfaith room where individuals and student groups of any religious tradition may gather; and two ablution areas. Contact the Interfaith Center or visit the 8th floor of Sawyer for more information.

Student Diversity and Inclusion

Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion is committed to serving students who hold historically marginalized identities and their allies. We provide an array of programs and educational opportunities to celebrate diversity and social justice. Contact the Center, visit 8th floor of Sawyer, Room 828, or visit our webpage for more information.

Resource Wallet Cards

Support resources are available for students to promote personal and academic success. Student Affairs has developed wallet cards with information for students on how to access the Counseling, Health and Wellness. The easy-to-carry cards also contain information about how to speak with a counselor 24 hours a day/7 days a week if students are in distress. Counseling, Health, and Wellness wallet cards are available at the Student Affairs Office for you to distribute in your classes. Stop by the office located on the 12th floor of 73 Tremont Street or send an email to Student Affairs.

Suffolk Cares

Staff in the Student Affairs Office are available to consult with faculty, staff, and students who may be concerned about a student for any reason. Student difficulties may appear in a variety of ways, including sporadic class or work-study attendance; distressed writings in homework assignments, or changes in behavior, appearance or personal habits. Information about the Suffolk Cares Program and an online reporting form at our webpage. Student Outreach & Support is located in the Student Affairs Office located on the 12th floor of 73 Tremont Street. They can be reached at 617.573.8239 or by email.

Chosen Name Policy

Chosen Name Policy