2020-2021 Law School Catalog

LAW-0066 International Insolvency Law Moot Court Team

The annual Ian Fletcher International Insolvency Law Moot Court Competition aims to encourage the best and brightest students around the globe to learn about international insolvency law and international commercial litigation. The competition poses a hypothetical problem to challenge students' appellate advocacy skills. There is one qualifying written round, and the oral round finals will be held in major cities around the world. The 2017 oral round competition was held in Sydney, Australia at the University of Sydney Law School Moot Courtroom. The 2018 oral round competition will be held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia. The competition is dedicated to raising the profile of insolvency and restructuring within the university curriculum. Students will have a chance to engage with their peers, judges and members of international insolvency bodies. The problem is usually released in October, the written briefs due in November and the oral arguments in the following March. Only eight teams from around the globe may qualify for invitation to the oral competition. A maximum of four students will be chosen annually by Professor Carter G. Bishop.
