2020-2021 Catalog

Spanish, BA

Degree Requirements

Students can earn a Bachelor of Arts degree with this major

Major Requirements: 11 courses, 41 credits

Core Requirements (3 courses, 9 credits)

CAS-201College to Career: Explore Your Options And Find Your Path


SPAN-201Intermediate Spanish I


SPAN-202Intermediate Spanish II


Advanced Courses (8 courses, 32 credits)

SPAN-315Spanish for the Professions


Choose one of the following:
SPAN-290Advanced Composition & Conversation


SPAN-300Intro to Cultural Texts


Choose two of the following:
SPAN-301Spanish Culture and Civilization


SPAN-302Indigenous and Colonial Latin America


SPAN-305Living in Translation


SPAN-390Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Literature


Choose four additional electives above SPAN-300

A First-year seminar with a topic related to the Spanish-speaking world (e.g., culture, politics, society) may be counted toward the major with the approval of the department chair.

AP Credit: Incoming students who receive a score of "4" or "5" on the AP Spanish examination have fulfilled the SPAN-201, SPAN-202/205 core requirement for the major.

Residency Requirement Policy

In the College of Arts and Sciences, a two-course (8 credit) residency requirement must be satisfied for completion of a minor and a four-course (16 credit) residency requirement must be satisfied for the completion of a major.


To complete requirements for honors in the major, a candidate must:

  1. Have a major GPA of 3.5 or higher
  2. Have an overall GPA of 3.2 or higher
  3. Complete SPAN-H555
  4. Complete a research paper in SPAN-H555 that is approved by a department faculty member
  5. Make a formal oral presentation
  6. CAS Honors Program students only: Also present work from the senior honors experience at the Honors Symposium or Pecha Kucha event

Spanish Major Learning Goals and Objectives

Learning goals and objectives reflect the educational outcomes achieved by students through the completion of this program. These transferable skills prepare Suffolk students for success in the workplace, in graduate school, and in their local and global communities.

Learning Goals Learning Objectives
Students will... Students will be able to...
Achieve competency in oral and aural communication - Speak the language using well-organized and cohesive speech patterns with minimal dependence on the use of summary or mere quotations
- Pronounce the language accurately and with near-native fluency
- Appropriately use social and/or cultural references
Achieve competency in written communication - Use and control complex structures
- Have command of a rich vocabulary
- Write with minimal to no interference from other languages
Become familiar with the diversity of world cultures - Engage with the historical, socio-political context of the cultures associated with the language
- Conduct analysis with an awareness of different points of view
- Recognize different regional accents, dialects, and speech patterns
Learn to think critically - Develop a working thesis with strong supporting evidence
- Understand different literary genres and tropes, cultural phenomena, and methods of textual analysis
- Demonstrate effective research skills with appropriate documentation