2020-2021 Catalog

Undergraduate Pathways

CAS Undergraduate Academic Standards for Pathway Students

  1. Students are accepted into their program with the strict understanding that progression through the program and successful completion of the program are conditional upon satisfactory attendance and successful attainment of specified progression grades and other requirements. During the program orientation, all students will be made aware of the criteria for successful completion of the courses in their program. The assessment of student performance is the responsibility of the course instructor.
  2. Students who do not meet the criteria for successful completion of their pathway will not be allowed to proceed with their original study plan. Students may be offered advice on suitable alternative study options which may include retaking, substituting, or adding courses and/or changing their program. An alternative study plan may involve additional time and expenditure with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.
  3. Many students find it difficult to complete all requirements for an undergraduate degree in just four (4) years of study (attending only 2 semesters per year). They may need to enroll in one (1) or more additional semesters.

Academic Standing for Undergraduate CAS students

  1. Students in IYO (International Year One) or other undergraduate-level academic programs must maintain a 2.0 GPA to continue in their programs. A student who receives less than the 2.0 GPA are subject to Suffolk University’s academic standing policies as set forth in the undergraduate catalog. Suffolk University expects students to maintain an overall grade point average of 2.0 and a grade point average of 2.0 in the major field of study, as well as a 2.0 grade point average in the minor. Failure to maintain these degree requirements may result in a warning, academic probation or dismissal.
  2. Decisions regarding undergraduate student progression will be made by the CAS Undergraduate Academic Standing Committees. Before making a decision, the Academic Standing Committee will consult with the INTO Suffolk Academic Director. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 at the end of the pathway to progress. Any students on Academic Warning or Academic Probation will work closely with an INTO Suffolk advisor to devise a plan by which to return to good standing.

SBS Undergraduate Academic Standards for Pathway Students

  1. Students are accepted into their program with the strict understanding that progression through the program and successful completion of the program are conditional upon satisfactory attendance and successful attainment of specified progression grades and other requirements. During the program orientation, all students will be made aware of the criteria for successful completion of the courses in their program. The assessment of student performance is the responsibility of the course instructor.
  2. Students who do not meet the criteria for successful completion of their pathway will not be allowed to proceed with their original study plan. Students may be offered advice on suitable alternative study options which may include retaking, substituting, or adding courses and/or changing their program. An alternative study plan may involve additional time and expenditure with regard to tuition and accommodation fees.
  3. Many students find it difficult to complete all requirements for an undergraduate degree in just four (4) years of study (attending only 2 semesters per year). They may need to enroll in one (1) or more additional semesters.

Academic Standing for Undergraduate SBS students

  1. Students in IYO (International Year One) or other undergraduate-level academic programs must maintain a 2.0 GPA to continue in their programs. A student who receives less than the 2.0 GPA are subject to Suffolk University’s academic standing policies as set forth in the undergraduate catalog (https://www.suffolk.edu/academics/academic-catalogs/undergraduate-academic-policies). Suffolk University expects students to maintain an overall grade point average of 2.0 and a grade point average of 2.0 in the major field of study, as well as a 2.0 grade point average in the minor. Failure to maintain these degree requirements may result in a warning, academic probation or dismissal.
  2. Decisions regarding undergraduate student progression will be made by the SBS Undergraduate Academic Standing Committees. Before making a decision, the Academic Standing Committee will consult with the INTO Suffolk Academic Director. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 at the end of the pathway to progress. Any students on Academic Warning or Academic Probation will work closely with an INTO Suffolk advisor to devise a plan by which to return to good standing.