2024-2025 Catalog

Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling

Degree Requirements: 18 courses, 60 credits

A minimum program involves sixty credits of coursework depending on undergraduate preparation.

Core Requirements (5 courses, 15 credits)

COUNS-712Life Span Development


COUNS-715Methods of Research


COUNS-728Professional Orientation: Ethical and Legal Issues


COUNS-733Counseling Diverse Populations


COUNS-735Group Counseling


Counseling Requirements (8 courses, 30 credits)

COUNS-713Counseling: Theory and Practice


COUNS-716Psychological Diagnosis


COUNS-717Introduction to Psychological Testing


COUNS-737Counseling Skills Lab


COUNS-738Mental Health Counseling Practicum I


COUNS-739Mental Health Counseling Practicum II


COUNS-740Counseling Internship I


COUNS-741Counseling Internship II


Note: COUNS-740 and COUNS-741 are each taken for 6 credits.

Special Treatment Issue Requirement (1 course, 3 credits)

Choose one of the following:

COUNS-727Substance Abuse and Treatment


COUNS-729Human Sexuality Seminar


Note: Other option may be taken as an elective.

Electives (4 courses, 12 credits)

COUNS-714Psychology of Career Development


COUNS-726Family Therapy


COUNS-732Psychological Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence


COUNS-910Independent Study


Note: Students may choose COUNS-727 or COUNS-729 as an elective if not taken to fulfill the Special Treatment Issue Requirement.

Practicum and Internship

It is during the Counseling Skills Lab (COUNS-737) and the Mental Health Counseling Practica (COUNS-738 and COUNS-739) that a student demonstrates the ability to translate training into professional judgments and techniques. Students are required to apply formally for the Counseling Internship and to consult with their faculty advisors regarding their field placements. The Counseling Skills Laboratory and the Practicum must be completed with a grade of “B” (3.0) or higher. After two failed attempts to satisfactorily complete the clinical practicum and/or internship, students will be subject to dismissal from the program at the discretion of faculty. Student engagement in unethical behavior as defined by the American Counseling Association (ACA) will be subject to discipline, including potential dismissal from the program, at the time the indiscretion occurs.

All students are required to enroll in the year-long practicum course in the first semester of their matriculating into the program.

About the Degree

Learn more about the experiences and opportunities available within this master's program.

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MS in Mental Health Counseling Learning Goals and Objectives

Learning goals and objectives reflect the educational outcomes achieved by students through the completion of this program

Learning Goals Learning Objectives
Students will... Students will be able to...
Be provided with foundational training in the field of mental health counseling - Gain theoretical and applied knowledge pertinent to counseling in the areas of assessment, diagnosis, treatment, consultation, and multicultural considerations
- Gain knowledge about the professional role including self-care, case management, consultation skills, and maintaining clinical practice
- Learn ethical decision-making models to resolve ethical dilemmas
Be trained to become competent practitioners - Develop core counseling skills
- Develop theoretical orientation and can speak in an informed manner about empirically validated treatments
- Adopt evidence based practice approach to psychodiagnostic assessment
Be trained to promote social justice in their professional capacities as counselors - Learn theoretical foundations of social justice oriented counseling
- Promote social justice in their clinical practice

About the Degree

Learn more about the experiences and opportunities available within this master's program.

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Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's in Mental Health Counseling Degree

Degree Requirements

  1. Students admitted to this dual degree program must meet all the requirements of the undergraduate Psychology degree program.

  2. Students must also meet all requirements for the Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling.

  3. The two graduate courses taken during the senior year will count toward BOTH the undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. Credit hours will be awarded based on the graduate course description.

  4. Before enrolling in a particular graduate course during the senior year, a student must obtain permission from the MHC graduate program director.

  5. Students are subject to the usual standards for academic standing, i.e., undergraduate standards for undergraduate courses and graduate standards for graduate courses.

Upon successful completion of all of the degree requirements, a student will receive a dual Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. The exact degree (BA/BS and Master’s) will be awarded based on the specific undergraduate program the student completes. A student may permanently exit the dual degree program and opt to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree if all the requirements for a Bachelor’s degree have been met. In this case, the graduate courses taken in the senior year will be counted as 4-credit courses applied toward the undergraduate degree requirements.

About the Accelerated Degree

Learn more about the experiences and opportunities available within this accelerated bachelor's/master's degree.

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