2022-2023 Law School Catalog

2022-2023 Law School Catalog

Published on September 1, 2022

This catalog is not an agreement or contract between the student and Suffolk University or any other party or parties and should not be regarded as such. The offerings and requirements contained herein are those in effect at the time of publication. The University reserves the right to change, discontinue, or add academic requirements, courses or programs of study at any time. Such changes may be made without notice, although every effort will be made to provide timely notice to students.

All students are expected to abide by all policies included in the Suffolk University Academic Catalog.

Suffolk University assumes no liability for the delay or failure in providing educational or other services or facilities due to causes beyond its reasonable control. Causes include, but are not limited to power failure, fire, strikes by University employees or others, damage by natural elements, public health crises, and acts of public authorities. The University will, however, exert reasonable efforts, when it judges them to be appropriate, to provide comparable services, facilities, or performance; but its inability or failure to do so shall not subject the University to liability.