2024-2025 Catalog

ACCT-861 Leadership in the Financial Professions

This student driven course develops professional and leadership skills that are needed to serve effectively as senior financial professionals in a challenging global economy. In this course students develop their independent learning and research proficiencies by investigating developing areas of accounting practice. Students broaden their appreciation of the accountant's role as a business advisor by examining current challenges for the accounting profession, considering the impact that professional activities have on various stakeholders, and how responsibilities of the profession are evolving in response. Students will develop their awareness of the activities of policy makers and standard setters such as the SEC, FASB, and AICPA. Finally, students develop their effectiveness as professional colleagues throughout the semester by actively working on their professional skill set including: data analytics, business writing, oral presentations, team building, and leadership.




Student has satisfied all of the following Student has satisfied all of the following Academic Unit (Computed) in the selection list Accounting, Accounting and Business Law, Business Administration, Business Administration Executive, Business Analytics, Business Law and Ethics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Health Administration, Information System, Information Systems and Operations Management, INTO Sawyer Business School, Management and Entrepreneurship, Management Studies, Marketing, Moakley Center for Public Management, Public Administration, Public Administration and Health Administration, Sawyer Business School, Strategy and International Business Or Programs of Study any in the selection list Business Economics Major BSBA And Student has satisfied all of the following Students who didn't specify one or more of these Programs of Study or Program Foci Continuing and Professional Studies Graduate And Student has satisfied all of the following Student has completed or is in process of completing all of the following course(s) ACCT 802 - Grad Financial Accounting II


Fall, Spring